Create an Inclusive Master Planning Process

The Open Space Policy Document backed by appropriate funding mechanism will help to create master plans for identified areas in a phased manner. These master plans should be a collaborative effort between the Open Space Agency (OSA) and Local Management Trusts (LMT). The LMT can initiate the master plan for the open space sites with the Policy Document serving as a guiding tool.

The OSA can regulate an overall framework for the city-wide planning and infrastructure within and
  guidelines for the open spaces, while encouraging the LMT to participate in an inclusive planning and management process. The idea is to merge the top-down approach with the bottom-up approach of grass-root initiatives and make a democratic and holistic process of planning, management, and maintenance of the open spaces.

Convergence and Integration across sectors and between institutions

Development process is a dynamic process with the
  involvement of multiple agencies undertaking different activities at any given point of time. Hence, it is essential to develop a common understanding of the proposed development amongst all the relevant agencies. One of the primary objective of this process is to identify the overlapping activities which can be converged into the open space strategy and borrow from other agencies which directly and indirectly contribute towards the development of open spaces either at policy level or at design and implementation level.
Create an Inclusive Master Planning Process