Identity Of Gurgaon: Confused

Existing Conditions

The existing city of Gurgaon has been designed around a strip of malls from the 1950's planning principles with a chaotic mix of commercial spaces along a wide road. An elevated metro line now runs elevated in the middle of the road adding visual noise to the image of the city.


Gurgaon is missing a strong identity associated with cities. The series of

shopping malls end up looking similar to each other without any identifiable democratic space for congregation or celebration. The density and fatigue from these malls is making them lose luster as vacancy rates are trending towards the blight-ridden downtowns in the west. The income, education and economic disparities here, as well as the big gap between rural and urban living calendars makes such places socially and culturally divisive while also being inflationary. It is necessary hence to evolve our own development model, built around the context of India and its people. Gurgaon must aspire for the objective of affording modern day opportunities by incorporating economies of scale to their planning processes to enhance satisfaction levels through lower costs.
Identity Of Gurgaon: Confused   Identity Of Gurgaon: Confused